What about the minimum order quantity of c-roll RDA in Mody Tech?
In Shenzhen Mody Tech Co.Ltd., different types of products may have different MOQs. If you think it is a bother to contact us, it's suggested that you may browse the page of the "Product Details" on our official website, where the corresponding MOQ is clearly listed. The minimum order quantity, also known as MOQ, refers to the number of units a supplier is able to manufacture and provide in a single production run. To be honest, the reason why we set it is to cover our overall production costs considering our heavy investment in the high-quality materials sourcing, machines update, and large labor costs.
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Mody Tech is widely recognized as a trustworthy and professional best rebuildable tank supplier. Mody Tech produces a number of different product series, including c-roll RDA. c-roll RDA's performance is improved significantly with good RDA materials. High heat resistant PEEK and POM are selected for its manufacturing. The product stands out for its simplicity. It has a simplified machine design with fewer components, which enables it to run more efficiently. Both it and its accessories can be OEMed and ODMed.
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We favor the concept of reducing carbon footprint during production. Attaching high importance to the wastes such as water and gases, we will not discharge these wastes illegally or randomly, instead, we may collect some of the wastes and utilize it for different purposes. Ask online!

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